A few weeks ago, I blogged about my wish list and my husband either a) finally found my blog or b) is psychic. I am going to assume my hubs just completed his "How to read a crystal ball" class because I'm pretty sure he doesn't know I have a blog. Anywho, not too long ago he and Nolan came home from a weekly trip to Costco and Nolan told me he bought me a gift. I told him I was excited and was anxiously waiting at the door for him to run up and give me a crate full of watermelons or something, but no, it was a Nikon D3100 kit! I was floored! So, now I am the proud owner of a Nikon D3100 DSLR camera and have two lenses, a camera bag (though, very basic black...I will have to upgrade sometime in the future), a memory card, two DVDs on how to use the camera (right, I'll watch those in my "free" time) and no clue how to use this awesome camera! The next weekend we decided to make it a family trip to Costco and my husband bought Photoshop Elements 9 (PSE) for me!!! I am so very excited and thankful but have no clue how to use it, either. Ugh. I try to do stuff in it but I am clueless (see previous posts in which I document my inability to do anything creative as I am an accountant). So, who can help me? PSE didn't come with any instructions and I have read through my Nikon stuff but it wasn't overly helpful. Guess I should watch those DVDs huh?
So, until I know how to use my camera to it's full capabilites, I am shooting in auto mode right now. I want to go to manual because I know I can get much better photos but I just don't know what I'm doing! Maybe I can find an amateur photography class sometime...riiiiight after I do all that stuff on my "must do first" list. I think photography could be a great hobby for me and may just let me express myself and get out all of the crappy yucky feelings I have been having...I just need to figure out where to start.
In the meantime, I am noticing that my photos are definitely crisper than with my point-and-shoot Canon, so that's great! Now if I can just figure out how to use PSE and all the fun actions out there, I'd be thrilled!
Here are a few shots from my Nikon. As stated above, these are all in auto mode, so pretty please, don't judge...I'm trying!
these pictures are sooo cute. i love them. Beyond glad I discovered your blog. I'm absolutely following now, I hope you will to. I started my blog four weeks ago. It's all about celebrity fashion from the point of view of an LA stylist. Stop by to see my picks for Fash Fave and Fash Fail of the week. Would love your support. xoxo
awesome! I love my D3100 and PSE! Cute blog!